Imported vs. Local

Imported cut flowers usually come from South America, traveling thousands of kilometers to end up in big box stores, or at your average florist shop. Local cut flowers are just that - grown on small (or large) farms in your community, by people you may even know.

In general, imported flowers are a negative impact on our planet. From the massive amounts of fuel used in shipping them halfway around the world, to the synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides commonly used in their production. Very few foreign, high production flower farms use sustainable and/or organic practices. Imported flowers are also more likely to arrive damaged and are weeks old before they reach their final customer. The fact they need to be shipped in boxes and out of water reduces their life expectancy and many types of beautiful flowers (ie sweet peas) do not travel very well.

When you make the choice to purchase local flowers, you are helping to support sustainable farming practices and giving back to your local economy. Your local flowers will be fresher, last longer, smell better, and sustain less damage.


What are seasonal blooms?

Seasonal blooms are flowers grown within their natural season, generally without the use of heated greenhouses. Here in Central Alberta, we only have 106 frost free days a year, making for a very short growing season. Without the aid of greenhouses, it is impossible for us to grow flowers year round.

The cut flower industry has led us to believe that all types of flowers are readily available at any given time of the year. Thus we have forgotten that each flower has a natural habitat and life cycle, responding to day-length, temperature, precipitation, and a whole host of other variables. The import of cut flowers from distant countries breaks our relationship with the natural world, causing us to separate ourselves from the season and climate we are living in.

Choosing to purchase seasonal blooms here in Alberta means you cannot have roses for Valentines Day, or peonies for your fall wedding. Choosing seasonal blooms means we have to move past the mentality of “I like it, I want it, I gotta have it” and learn to appreciate the beauty found within each season. Choosing seasonal blooms means you may discover a new favourite flower, or fall in love again with a flower from your past. Choosing seasonal flowers means choosing your community, your economy, and your environment.

Choosing seasonal flowers means choosing to live in the moment.